the artist behind the art


_illustrator & tattoo artist

who’s aspectgraphite?


Carolanne was born in Quebec, Canada, April 1999. She drew with graphite pencils from a very young age and started realistic drawings around the age of 14. In 2020, she graduated in Graphic Design. Her knowledge in that domain is really useful to manage and design everything for her business. Carolanne has always prioritized responding directly to her customers to ensure a good service; professional but friendly! To prove that point, let’s stop talking in the third person and let’s be more… well, me.

I started tattooing part-time in 2019 and started full-time in june 2020. In may 2021, Artemise Studio was born; a private studio with two colleagues / friends.

Drawing illustrations as prints complements really well my passion for work. I hope you enjoy!


Like previously said, I drew realistic drawings for a while. As many artists do, when I started in the tattoo industry, I spent some time searching my style. I’ve had interest in microrealism and illustrative tattoos; why not mix both styles? With a lot of time and practice, my compositions started to stand out with the use of negative space and the technique of stippling. I do name my tattoo style as illustrative microrealism.

The thematics that inspire me the most are: botanical fruits and flowers, vases, baroque and renaissance art, greek mythology, birds, anatomy and surrealism.

My illustrations / prints style is similar as my tattoo drawings (called flashes), but with, at times, a little touch of neutral colour palettes.